This remote transmitter is compatible with rolling code Came radio receivers and frequency cards. It doesn't matter if it is a 433.92 MHz or 868.35 MHz - this transmitter is dual frequency.
You can buy this remote control if you have one of the following transmitters:
Frequency | 433.92 MHz - Rolling code 868.35 MHz - Rolling code |
Number of channels | 4 |
Housing color | Black, some parts are metal |
Battery | 1 x CR2032 |
Protection rating | IP20 |
Weight | 38 g |
Operating temperature | -20°C ÷ +55°C |
Dimensions | 38 × 73 × 13 mm |
Battery | ✔ Included in delivery |
Key ring | ✔ Included in delivery |
Wall holder | ✘ |
Via Martiri della Libertà 15
31030 Dosson di Casier (TV)
+39 0422 4940